Who I am

High School Journalism changed everything for me. It was the first time I had ever picked up a camera and was seriously taught how to find and develop the stories of the people around me. Its in this manner, that I have actually become a bit of an anthropologist in my career thus far as a filmmaker.

Since high school I have always had an appreciation for fringe culture. My first love was John Waters films and I loved shitty punk music at hole-in-the-wall venues. And I love punks, and drag queens and senile old folks who ask minors for cigarettes. Theres a bit of absurdity everywhere we look and thusly, an abundance of stories to be told, and experiences to share with others.

My work as a filmmaker has often focused on marginalized communities and the fringes of our society. These minorities of people are often in vulnerable situations and require, in my opinion, what is the lifeblood of good filmmaking: empathy.

No matter the subject, narrative or commercial, the goal is always to have my audience walk away with more empathetic view of a perspective that previously may have been unknown to them.